Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Prepare for Launch: Take 2!

My trip home for Christmas is now over and my adventures in South East Asia can now resume. (Hot damn!) Although a bit long, the break from traveling was not too shabby. The cross-country road trip with Jess was fun and we even manage to learn some valuable lessons on the way: New Mexico really is the “Land of Enchantment” and Albuquerque is sweet, Texas smells like decaying flesh and gas fill-ups require a gag reflex along with the credit card, and I believe Tennessee has invaded Virginia in its effort to become a never-ending state. Seriously Tennessee, you’re long enough. Knock it off.

Christmas with the family was also nice, and we all got some good laughs at midnight mass when the proclamation started out, in a booming voice, “5099 years after the creation of the earth… Jesus was born.” Evolution is a lie! Dinosaurs were large dogs! Vote for Huckabee! Ah man, Christians are adorable.

I’m now starting off the unnecessarily long trip to Ho Chi Minh City. I arrived at Dulles around 12noon on Jan 2nd (today) and will arrive in Vietnam at 10am on Jan 5th. Sure, some of that time is the date change line, and yes, the cheap tickets require approximately 15 stop-overs before reaching the final destination, but 3 days? That’s some super smelly boxers. It’ll certainly be worth it, however, once in country. More later once I have something interesting/sweet/embarrassing to say. Have a happy New Year and keep in touch!

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