Friday, January 11, 2008

Pho Sure

The Vietnamese food ambassador to the world is, without a doubt, the ever popular Pho (but pronounced more like “Pha”). I’ve had Pho several times in the US, and I’ve found it quite good, but by no means spectacular. After all, it’s just noodles, meat, garnish, and broth. I was expecting it to be much better here, of course, in its native land, and was a bit disappointed after my first two Pho experiences. Good, but certainly not super. Now I’m not sure what happened or what changed on my third Pho indulgence several days ago, but it was big time kick-ass. Way better than ever before and perfect in every way. Ever since that perspective altering meal, every Pho repeat has been equally awesome.

I have three theories for how this turn of events could have come about. The obvious answer is that my first two Pho servings in-country were sub-par, possibly prepared by an apathetic staff in a touristy establishment. I sort of doubt this, though, because although both joints were in Ho Chi Minh City and in a backpacker neighborhood, there were several locals in each place happily slurping the stuff down. But certainly still possible. My second theory is that Pho contains some special ingredients that either have a delayed effect or just take some getting used to. Sort of like an acquired taste, but on a subconscious level. My third theory plays off the second theory and proposes that these guys are sprinkling crack in the Pho. I’ve never done crack before, but I’ll bet it’s delicious and I’ll bet it produces the same satisfaction that I experience when eating Pho. It’s just so good and, well, it’s almost like I need it.

Humm… I feel cold… Time to go find some more Pho!

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