Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Property of the US Army

Alright, so there are many things that are different and unique about Thai people, but this one is just plain strange. A popular fad right now is to wear clothing that says “US Army” or “Property of the US Army.” Young people, old people, both girls and guys. They certainly don’t support America’s invasion of Iraq or anything that the US does internationally. They have very few guns (only the police have real hardware) and very little violence. I have yet to be confronted in a negative manner for being American, but it’s clear that the US government and military are the bad guys. Yet it’s cool to wear US Army shirts and carry US Army handbags. These dudes are weird.

Another popular trend is to brandish the Playboy bunny logo. Shirts, socks, hats, you name it. This is great – the US Army and Playboy, alive and well in Thailand.

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